Arena di Verona

Arena per tutti

The 100th edition of Arena di Verona Opera Festival was the most accessible ever, also thanks to Müller



In 2023 Fondazione Arena, with the support of Accessibility Partner Müller, launched the most accessible Arena di Verona Opera Festival ever. While we wait for the next Festival, find out the details of the last edition.


Arena per tutti: the first edition

For people with disabilities, there were 1,500 more places available than in previous editions.

The operas Aida, La Traviata, Nabucco and Rigoletto were made fully accessible thanks to a range of accessibility services:

• multisensory themed tours and workshops before the performance;

• accessible trailers, in Italian and English, with subtitles, voice over, Italian and international sign language, and audio description;

• audio introductions and audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired people;

• subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH);

• inclusive program booklets available in digital format (in Italian) with simplified and enlargeable texts, voice over, audio description, Italian and international sign language;

• easy-to-read information about the operas, in Italian and English (easy-to-read language is promoted by Inclusion Europe, the European Association for people with intellectual disabilities).




The multisensory tours

In 2023 Fondazione Arena launched an inclusion program, coordinated by Professor Elena Di Giovanni with the support of Professor Francesca Raffi of the University of Macerata, where people with sensory and cognitive disabilities and their accompanying persons were guided to learn about the opera by exploring sets, costumes and props.



The project's numbers

There were a total of 766 participants, including spectators (466) who took advantage of the sensory and cognitive aids, and participants in the multisensory tours (300), who had the chance to experience the Arena backstage. The project expanded the Arena's audience: for 63.7% of visitors it was the first time in the Arena.

The most involved age group was 45-54 years old (accounting for 27.2% of the total). The region of origin of most visitors was Veneto, followed by Lombardy,Emilia Romagna and Marche. The most frequently used free tools were accessible trailers, inclusive and digital room books, and easy-to-read cards.


Inclusive Arena

In the Arena, opera is accessible every night! Find out the rates and entrances reserved for people with disabilities and their companions.






Founding members

Repubblica Italiana
Ministero Cultura
Regione Veneto
Comune di Verona
Camera di Commercio di Verona
Cattolica Assicurazioni


Major partner

Major partner Unicredit

Official sponsor

Official sponsor Calzedonia Official sponsor Giovanni Rana Official sponsor Forno Bonomi Official sponsor Metinvest Official supplier Genny

Automotive partner

Automotive partner Volkswagen

Mobility partner

Mobility partner Bahn

Accessibility partner

Mobility partner Muller

Media partner

Media partner RTL