Arena di Verona

"È tutta scena e ve la racconto...": the second episode of the series by Marco Malvaldi for Arena di Verona is dedicated to Carmen

18 January 2022

"È tutta scena e ve la racconto..." (It’s all an act and I’ll tell you about it), the series by Marco Malvaldi for Fondazione Arena di Verona in collaboration with Corriere della Sera, is back. The second episode is dedicated to “Carmen” by Georges Bizet


We leave Traviata’s France and set off for the land of Carmen: the Spain of cigar makers and smugglers, where between a bullfight and a murder the destiny of unforgettable characters is unravelled.

The beautiful gypsy tosses him a flower and Don Josè is unable to resist the attraction. But, from the outset, something tells us things will not finish up well...

Marco Malvaldi is certain of this: Carmen is not what it seems to be. So what is it?

Between Verismo and rock 'n’ roll, in this episode of “È tutta scena e ve la racconto...” (the series by the crime writer Marco Malvaldi for Fondazione Arena di Verona in collaboration with Corriere della Sera) we discover this.


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Founding members

Repubblica Italiana
Ministero Cultura
Regione Veneto
Comune di Verona
Camera di Commercio di Verona
Cattolica Assicurazioni


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Major partner Unicredit

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