Arena di Verona

“È tutta scena e ve la racconto”: the fifth episode tell us about “Don Giovanni”

09 February 2022

On the trail of burning passions, Don Giovanni, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s least “respectable” opera, goes on stage. But who is Don Giovanni?


On the trail of burning passions, Don Giovanni, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s least “respectable” opera, goes on stage.

But who is Don Giovanni? An incorrigible, elusive character, who never talks about himself (but if he does, uses music “stolen” from other operas).

On the other hand, the opera’s comprimarios are well aware of what sort of person Don Giovanni really is...



Marco Malvaldi explains this in the new episode of "È tutta scena e ve la racconto..." (It’s all an act and I’ll tell you about it), his series for Fondazione Arena di Verona in collaboration with Corriere della Sera.



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